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Pellet mill the material appears difficult, mainly because of low yields have?
Published:2014-8-1  Views:1718

If you are using a new ring mold, first check whether the ring mold compression ratio and processing of raw materials to match, the compression ratio is too large ring mold, resistance to mold powder through the large hole, the particle pressure out too hard, the yield is low; ring mold compression ratio is too small, the particles are not pressed out of shape, must be re-selected ring mold compression ratio and then check ring mold bore smoothness and ring mold are out of round, ring die because of poor quality ring mold hole rough, round and lost the ring mold cause the discharge resistance is large, the particles are not smooth, and the material difficult to lower the yield, it is necessary to use high-quality ring mold.
If the ring mold used for a period of time, you must check whether the ring mold inner wall of the tapered bore wear, pressure roller for wear, such as severe wear ring mold machining can be repaired, re-wear for taper countersink hole, the pressure roll wear must be replaced, cone ring mold bore wear has a great influence on the yield.
Ring die and nip to be adjusted properly, the production of livestock and poultry feed is generally appropriate spacing is about 0.5mm pitch is too small to cause the pressure roller friction ring mold, shortening the life of the ring mold, spacing might cause the pressure roller slippage, so lower yields.
Note quenching time and quality of raw materials, especially to control the water into the machine before the raw material, raw material before quenching in water is generally 13%, such as high water, raw water quenched after high (water ≥16 %), there will be slippage in the mold, the material is not easy.
It should be noted raw material crushing fineness die hole diameter should match the raw feed grinding fineness small particles should be more finer. But also to ensure the quality and temperature of the steam, if poor steam quality (water and more unsaturated steam) and quenching temperature is low, the effect will affect the maturation of powder and reducing yields. To check the distribution of raw materials in the ring mold, and not let the raw run-sided, such as the occurrence of similar situations, you must adjust the size of the feed scraper position, so that the raw material in a ring mold evenly distributed, so that can prolong the life of the ring mold, At the same time the material is also more smoothly.